Recent Updates:
1. We had a hurricane! OK, really it was a "derecho" but here you can see the radar picture I copied. Looked and felt like a hurricane. .87 inches of rain in less than an hour! Here's some more
cool info and photos of derechos, they are pretty interesting. If you are a nerd.
2. Baby had a 32 week checkup and all is well. Jed still consistently says the child will be female and a sister. I guess we'll see! Isn't it driving you all crazy? I know, that's why I do it, just to make everyone else annoyed.
3. This week Michael is gone to Minneapolis for a professional certification conference. This is his last session, and soon he'll get to take the test and then we'll be rich and famous... or something. Jed and I are enjoying a week of rampant mother/son bonding, complete with snuggling in bed every morning, eating sausage for every meal, having "couch time" at least five hundred times a day (snuggle under blanket on couch and read book, alternately snuggle under blankets and make a cave and whisper secrets), and lots and lots of socializing. Yesterday when we pulled into the driveway after going to a friend's house for dinner, Jed went berserk when he saw Michael's car and shouted "Daddy's HOME! Daddy's HOME!" Sure felt bad to crush his little hopes. We can't wait til daddy gets home, and I mean that in the literal and non musical sense. Although we have been singing that song every day.
4. Upstairs, the thermostat measures 86 degrees. UGH! Down here below, we are cool, calm, and collected. Hallelujah for the basement! Up until recently, it has mostly been a junk repository. I'm determined to make it our post-baby refuge where Jed, Baby Z and I will hang out all day every day in cool reclined comfort. Now all we need is twenty bookshelves and an on-demand milkshake maker.
Hmmmm, we're hungry. And sharing Jed's cheese stick isn't doing much for me at the moment. We'll have to wrap this up and I'll share more later.