Sunday, June 30, 2013


Granny and Papa started beehives and we got to look inside and find the queen! So exciting! Jed and Zoe weren't afraid at all, they loved it. They kept complaining that they couldn't get close enough to see the cool stuff!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Baby driver!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Girl in garden with bug jar

First harvest

We had our first real harvest from the garden today. After a very rocky start thanks to chilly temps, a million slugs, and a gazillion rabbits, our poor little garden is finally hitting its stride. The lettuce, chard, spinach and beet greens are abundant but in our family the favorite crop is GREEN BEANS!! My kids love to "harvest " lunch in the garden. Even little Zane munched like mad. I think we harvested about half a gallon, and I am pretty sure the bucket will be empty before we head inside this afternoon!

Friday, June 7, 2013

First grade (or something like it)

Jed started first grade a few weeks ago. He still isn't too hot on the reading idea, so I am not pushing him. He loves books and loves read alouds. He still especially loves poetry. Right now we are reading the Henry Huggins books and giggling up a storm.
Jed has always loved math. Last year we did some workbook pages and he liked it for maybe a week, and then it was just too boring frustrating for him so we stopped. I noticed he is a lot more focused so far this year though, so I pulled them out today with a bag of manipulatives that I used when I was a child. So far we've been down here for an hour adding and subtracting our little hearts out!
As I was reading up on the Indiana standards for kindergarten, I pleasantly noted that although we did practically zero book work in the past year, Jed has mastered nearly all of the skills required. The only one I saw that we haven't done is counting by fives and twos. So today I pulled up three or four YouTube videos with songs about counting by fives. Within 20 minutes he could easily count to 100 and beyond by fives. 
Yay for homeschooling! Yay for letting kids learn when they are ready!

Books books books

Books time

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Petting zoo

There's a pony in there!!!! Let the squealing commence!!!

Summer Popsicles

Nothing better than a cold Popsicle after a log day of swimming at the beach with one of our best buddies, Sophia.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Watching videos

The kids love to sit up on the top bunk and watch videos.

Later edited to add: It was all good fun until Zane fell off and broke his collar bone... so now we watch videos on the floor.