Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Baby Frog

Remember how I used to call Jed my little tadpole? Well, apparently even at 13 weeks I was correct.

Today as I did my morning yoga routine, my child laughed at me. Just how funny looking does one have to be for even a four-month old child to recognize the humor? Yet undeniably, as I sank into my standing warrior 2, Jed looked right at me, and giggled. And here I thought I was safe from ridicule in the privacy of my own home.


Tania said...

He's so cute! None of my kids would ever sleep on their backs - tummies only, usually with bums in the air.

Wait until he's big enough to do yoga with you - then there'll be all kinds of giggling from both of you (my kids love the Wai Lana DVD - but her voice bugs me, so we space sessions out.)

Ali Howell said...

I can't believe how big jed is getting!!! what a cutie! Unfortunately i don't think those little people will EVER stop laughing at's just nice that they give us plenty to laugh about also...and at least it will be several years before they are totally humiliated by us!!!