Tuesday, December 4, 2007

New Harmony

On a whim, Michael, Baby and I dropped our chores amid a long day of cleaning and organizing (oh, the moving will never end!) and took off for Christmas in New Harmony, Indiana. New Harmony is a little historical town about 45 minutes away that once served as the home for a communal society and later a haven for 19th century artists and intellectuals. We only had 2 hours there, but that was enough time for me to fall wholly and passionately in LOVE. Adorable, friendly, sophisticated, and gorgeous, it is like little-town-heaven-on-earth! I can't wait to go back and actually see the sites and take a tour. As it is, we wandered through the bazaars and artisan shows, listened to real bluegrass complete with hairy old men playing the mouth harp and washtub, and discovered a tiny little museum of contemporary art that housed a real Andy Warhol installment called "Silver Clouds." The exhibit was an empty wood-floored room filled with fans and floating silver cellophane clouds. I'm not usually a real installment art fan, but this was utterly captivating. Wandering around through the silver clouds, laughing and tossing and twirling... like a mini-wonderland!
Unfortunately, Jed doesn't think much of modern art. He bawled through the whole thing, those big silver pillows were SCARY! Here's a photo, you can see him in the baby carrier with a thrilled look upon his face.

We saw just enough of the town to know we can't wait to go back.


Mike and Emily said...

That town looks super cool! I had no idea New Harmony was so close. We'll have to check it out when we come out....yeee haw!

Shiloh said...

How fun!!! I really like the pics in the Warhol exhibit-- Installation art fascinates me, as long as I don't have to try to understand it on too deep a level!!
You guys are lucky to have a family with a professional photographer and a supermodel! :) Good combo. The way-too-cute baby doesn't hurt either!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Vanessa! It's fun to see you have a blog! Now we can be bloggy cousins and not just FB cousins, haha. Love all your posts, you can be sure I'll be a regular visitor. The silver pillow land looks awesome!!! How fun!

Ra-call-dee... said...

I swear there was some sort of movie I once saw called new harmony. I could be wrong. I love "on the whim" trips. It looks like a ton of fun!

MKShelley said...

Hmm... we currently live in Indiana, and I think we might try to visit that. It's the sort of town that we would definitely like to see.

Christoria said...


Its Toria McMullin (now Trendler) from the Stadium Ave house in Provo. I randomly checked an old e-mail address today and found the e-mail with this blog link from when you had your baby (yes it has been that long). I saw you were in Indian...I'm in Chicago (my husband is at the University of Chicago law school) and I just wanted to let you know that if you ever find yourself that far North then you have a place to stay.
Hope all is well. It looks like you guys are having a great time.
Take care,