Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today, Jed and I went down town while the weather stayed delightfully cool. Newburgh has quite possibly the most charming downtown ever conceived of by man. Little 1800s buildings, lovely old homes lining the river, a walking path down the river where you can watch the barges go by, visit a park, see an old log cabin commemorating the founding in 1803, see where the first "battle" of the civil war over the Mason Dixon line happened, see the old old lock and dam building, and all so peaceful and lovely with happy fellow Newburghians walking by with friendly faces and hellos. Idyllic!

(I found this photo online. It doesn't show any of the cute old part of town, but it does show the riverwalk and the library with flags out front in the middle.)

We went on a nice long walk for about an hour and chatted with Uncle Eric on the phone. Then we stopped at a grassy area and watched the river and played for about a half hour. A quick trot down the road and we were at the public library, a tiny wonderland of toys and books. Jed has long loved the library for its small but superb collection of toddler-friendly doo-dads and several shiny red firetrucks.

Today, though, he showed a decided interest in the book collection. He disappeared for a moment and I heard muttered sounds rising above the shelves before me. I wandered around until I found him, gleefully pulling a books off the shelves, shouting "BUH!", and then shoving them back willy nilly into place.

I walked toward the checkout desk and called for Jed to come with me. Buh! He grabbed a book and held on tight, giving me a defiant look. I returned the gaze. Do you want to check out that book? Then bring it here and we will take it home! His face broke into a chubby-cheeked grin and he came running, book clutched tightly against his chest. He ran past mom... and right out the door, sending all sorts of beepers and alarms off. Whoops! We have to check it out, Jed! I grabbed him and hauled him up onto the circulation desk. The librarian and I managed to pry the book out of his hands, arousing many a screech and wail. She quickly scanned the barcode and shoved it back into the siren's hands. I set him down, and said NOW we could take it home. Wahoo!

Holding the book high, like a trophy, he made beeline for the front doors and made laps around the sensor gates until I could catch up with him. We left the building and headed for the car. Halfway there, he couldn't wait any longer and plopped down right there in the middle of the parking lot, opened the book on the pavement, and turned pages with an enthusiastic, scholarly air. Come on, Jed! I opened the car door. He came running, threw the book in (Buh!) and clambered up on his seat. Once seated, his arms flailed for his precious. Buh! Buh! I handed it to him, he opened it up, and all was quiet happiness with the occasional page rustle on the way home.

What a funny boy. Definitely takes after his mom - we've got a library addict!

(Turns out he chose a Dr. Seuss zebra book.)


Shiloh said...

What a cutie! He's going to be brilliant, just like his parents!

Kim said...

Hee hee! Sounds like he is a lot of fun. It's kind of sad and exciting when they start getting bigger, isn't it?
We've been loving the library this summer, too. I think if ours had a shiny fire engine collection, I might never be able to pull her away!

Brooke said...

It's so exciting when they figure out that books are for reading, not eating/ripping/destroying :)

Jan said...

Sounds like a lovely time.

Thus begins the love affair with books and reading.

Annie Japannie said...

This is your child.

Annie Japannie said...

Also, is this an appropriate medium for me to request that you have another child soon because I enjoy your existing one so much?