Friday, April 17, 2009

Boy or Girl?

Tonight after dinner, I sat back in my chair and laid my hands on my big belly to feel the baby kick. I asked Jed what he thought the baby would be, a boy or a girl? He gave the exact same answer he gave the last time I asked him:

"A girl. And is a cow or a horsie!"


Annie Japannie said...

Oh boy, I hope it's a horsie.

Brooke said...

Mooo??? Hmmm, I hope he's not disapointed when it's *just* a baby :)

Anonymous said...

A cow or a horse sounds like a best friend. Z

Tania said...

Jane would love me forever if I could only give birth to a horse for her ....

Mike and Emily said...

I vote for a mix. A Centaur?

NessaAnn said...

Feels like a horsie. Definitely got the sharp hooves going on down there in my ribs.