Saturday, August 2, 2014

Peaches and fireballs

Since Jed was feeling better today, he got to help finish up processing peaches.
Today we decided to freeze some for cobbler. He wanted to help, but not skin peaches (since obviously that is a 5yo girl job...) so I let him be in charge of chopping. It wasn't the prettiest job ever, but it was certainly the proudest. 
Jed and Zoe took turns helping, sometimes taking a break to go scavenge tomatoes or check on whatever dad was doing outside (which admittedly was far more interesting, involving tires, Barbasol, lighter fluid, matches, running frantically for the hose and Top Gear. Jed at one point came in jabbering wildly about fireballs and the lawn on fire, but all I heard from Michael's end was that something didn't work because he didn't "totally commit". I didn't ask details but apparently we need a new lawnmower tire.) Inside all was quiet and lovely and I finished off the peaches easily with all the help. I love quiet Saturday afternoons. 

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