Monday, June 2, 2008

Cooooooooooool Down Below

Indiana has arrived in full-blown summer. Upstairs, because I am disgustingly cheap, I refuse to turn on the A/C during the day, so it is 83 degrees. But downstairs, in the blessed, gorgeous, fantastic basement, it is cool, calm, and perfect. We set up our TV and Michael's beloved sound system on some funky shelves we bought. We set up our old living room furniture and a twin bed for napping. Plenty of stacked boxes and the nasty ol' bar to hold snacks and water. This place is hot summer heaven on earth! Or maybe that's under-earth. Anyway, all I can say is it was SO WORTH the frustration of finding a house with a basement. Yahoo!


Elise said...

83!? You lucky woman. We're at 107 here and dying. Wish we had a basement. Smart thinking.

Brooke said...

I have to say I'm jealous!! I want a basement... but a waterproof one! Our second story is HOT, probably 10 degrees warmer than the downstairs. BUT we are getting a new A/C (heatpump actually) and furnace and ductwork this week in hopes of getting it cooler up there!

Shiloh said...

Can I come over sometime and sit in your cool, calm, perfect basement?! Lucky Lady!

Anonymous said...

Where did you learn to be so cheap? Z