Thursday, February 1, 2007

Belly Cast

Our midwife Jules and her assistant Jessica came over Tuesday to check me and baby over. For those unaware, we're going with a homebirth, which means that all your checkups are at home! It's great! We sit around and drink tea and talk about babies and giggle for hours.

Our other activity for the morning was making a BELLY CAST! A belly cast, in case you've never observed such a thing before, is a plaster of paris cast of my huge, gorgeous belly so as to preserve it in all its glory forever. M and I are planning on making it into a shiny bronze bowl. hee hee hee. Maybe we'll put baby in it and take a picture.

And this is how my beloved husband sees me: all stomach and chin, apparently. :c)

We had so much fun! Nearly 40 weeks, fat, happy, and waiting for our cute new baby to come!

1 comment:

Tania said...

I can't believe you got to make a belly cast!! I always wanted to do one, but Rick said "Where will you put that??" "Why would you want one of those??" Even after I said I would keep it at the birth center & see it when I went to work - still no go. Now my baby bearing is over and I'll never have one. Glad you're doing one - I think they're great! (Plus, do it on the 1st, while your belly is still nice and taught and round!) Way to go on the homebirth too!