Thursday, January 17, 2008


Michael and I have decided that we need to keep a budget. Not that we're crazy spenders or anything, but we really want to own a house, and to do that, we need, uh, more money. Hence the budget.

Our last attempt at a budget involved Quicken, and proved disastrous because the program was so confusing and kept doing the wrong thing and we were always behind and, well, the budget never got started because we spent all our budget time trying to get the stupid program reconciled.

This time, quite by accident, we discovered this really fantastic little program online called Pearbudget. It's so easy to use that only a dummy would get confused. It's free. And it works. Check it out.

Michael and I are particularly excited because we scheduled ourselves each an allowance. Yes, a real allowance! Neither of us has ever had an allowance before. The thought of actually having money I can spend on like, uh, clothes? or something is kind of crazy for me, the tightwad of the universe. Geeze. How will I ever decide? I guess that means I can retire my old freshman in college clothes. ha ha. And Michael's excited to save up his allowance to buy cool camera gadgets.

We're gonna be RICH! Slowly.


Michael Stanfill said...

Vanessa always COULD go and buy clothes. But she never does, and I bet even with this silly little allowance, she won't. She is physically, mentally, ecumenically unable to do it. (Hopefully, she'll take this as a dare!)

Katie said...

Are you going to make me google it myself? You didn't link to it! I love budgets :-) Unfortunately, our budget is like a vague idea of what we'd like to see happen, and then we get really disappointed at how much we spent at the end of the month.

charliepark said...

Hey guys! Thanks so much for writing about PearBudget! (Katie ... the link is here.)

Sarah and I are thrilled you like PearBudget! We've really tried to make it super simple.

And, Vanessa, we hope it'll help you get some clothes you like! Although, to be honest, all of our clothes are from freshman year, too. Maybe we should up our allowance.

Anyway, thanks again!

NessaAnn said...

Wow. The pearbudget guy wrote on OUR blog. We're like FAMOUS! Yee hah! Katie, where is your current blog? I forgot where I put the address.

Katie said...

Wow, you are famous! I had already signed up and everything before I read his comment.

In my last comment I forgot to say that I have a similar problem with clothes. I've been forced to keep a partially decent wardrobe since I work, but that means shirts with only one large stain, instead of shirts with many stains.

An anonymous benefactor gave my husband some money to spend on me for Christmas. He gave me a gift card to be used for clothes. I haven't used it yet, other than to buy a pair of desperately-needed pants. The knit maternity pants just weren't cutting it at work any more. I keep thinking that I'm going to wait to spend the money until I'm at a stable post-baby weight. My baby is already 4.5 months old. I bet that two years from now I'll be saying "I'll buy the clothes when I finish losing this weight." :-P

Also Charlie - are you a freshman now? Because if you are, that would be less embarrassing than if you are our age and still wearing freshman clothes.

Katie said...

Oh wait - I forgot the entire reason for my comment - to give you my URL. I basically neglect my blog (~5 posts last year), but I guess you could put it in your feed reader.

And don't use my last name in your blogroll.

charliepark said...

"Also Charlie - are you a freshman now? Because if you are, that would be less embarrassing than if you are our age and still wearing freshman clothes."

Nope ... freshman year was a little while ago. Sarah and I graduated from college in '01, and are now so busy with our almost-4-year-old and our almost-1-year-old twins (all girls), that the time and money needed for new clothes is kind of scarce. :)

Elise said...

That is awesome! Brad and I have been using a budget for a while, but I'm always up for something easier to use. And you know what's embarrassing? I am currently, yes, as I type this, wearing a shirt from my junior year of high school. I would just so much rather have a savings account. Poor Brad. He married Scrooge.

Lindsey said...

Thanks for the idea! I agree, Quicken can be so confusing!

leah said...

That is great to know. I will check it out, right now we do the envelope thing. I am so glad to see your blog. Jed is darling. Hope you are doing well. Miller

Katie said...

Charlie - I guess you are a couple of years older than us (Vanessa and me).