Monday, February 11, 2008

True Love Pt. 4

Yesterday, I woke up feeling like a train had hit me. I've had this nasty recurring cold every two weeks since the beginning of the year and boy, am I sick of it. So there I was, laying in bed surrounded by shredded toilet paper, moaning of my sorrows, and my darling husband rubbing my head and telling me I should stay home for the day and he'll get the baby ready and take him to church so I can get a rest.

True love, I say...

Of course, that wasn't possible since I had to go to nursery. Nursery can be pretty nuts of late, and I would hate to leave my fellow teacher alone with 16 pushing, wailing, eye-ball-scratching-out toddlers. And finding substitutes isn't as easy as it sounds. So I got up. While I was in the shower, Michael got the baby dressed (he proudly held up the child and pointed out to me how cute baby looked in his turtleneck and overalls... what a sweet hubby) AND found the child's one eternally lost pair of shoes. He packed the diaper bag and fed baby. He made himself some boiled eggs for breakfast.

Then at church he tried to talk me into going home when it turned out we had a volunteer helper in nursery and only 7 kids. By that time, I was feeling a little better and enjoying the quiet joy of an un-insane nursery, so I stayed. Several times over the two hours I spotted a pair of concerned brown eyes peeking in through the window, not to check on a toddler but rather to check on me. Michael takes the baby for the last two hours of church every week (too many snotty noses in nursery to chance take baby in there with me.) That's no easy task, and I know he usually misses at least half of the lessons.

After church, Michael whisked me home and into bed while he stayed downstairs and played with baby, growling and building towers to be knocked over for hours on end. I finally woke up just in time to go to dinner at his parents' house. I felt about a million times better.

True love, I think, is when you put the other person before you, when you make their needs a higher priority than your own. I'm sure after a long week of work, Michael would have preferred a quiet Sunday relaxing and doing the fun things that HE wants to do, but instead he took the baby all day and made me feel like the sick princess. Yep, that's true love, for sure!


Unknown said...

Geepers you people are lovey-dovey! Goodness!

NessaAnn said...

You're just jealous. The closest you get to smokin' romance is a room full of sweaty men at computers!

Unknown said...

Hey now, it's sorta the same... they're both hot?

NessaAnn said...

Ew, that is disgusting to even begin to let my brain consider thinking about.